Purpose of the website
This web site is merely informative and in no case constitutes a means of advising on any of the areas specified, so the user should go to:
CIF: B66026626
C/ Muntaner, s/n. Can Banús
08917 BADALONA (Barcelona,– Espanya)
Correu electrònic: mansol@mansol.cat
Telephone: 93 497 03 50
Website Content
The information included in this website has followed the requirements stipulated by law for its preparation, although this does not imply in any case that it has to be necessarily detailed, complete, accurate or kept up to date, given the changes that may occur in regulations, case law or other documents of interest considered.
The use of the information provided through this website is the exclusive responsibility of the user, and MANSOL PROYECTOS, SL is in no case responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist, as well as for the application or specific use that may be made.
Copyright and industrial property rights
All the industrial and intellectual property rights of this website, as well as the elements contained in it (including, among others, text, image, audio, video or software), belong to MANSOL PROYECTOS, SL or, where applicable, to third parties. The user will be able to visualize such elements and even to print them, to copy them and to store them in the hard disk of his computer or in any physical support whenever it is, only and exclusively, for his personal and private use, of which the use with commercial aims, his distribution, and the modification, alteration or decompilation are absolutely prohibited.
Personal data
In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of data protection, MANSOL PROYECTOS, SL informs that the personal data provided will be incorporated into a customer file and will be processed automatically. By means of the contact options provided by this website, the sender gives his/her consent to be included in this file. If you want you can go to MANSOL PROYECTOS, SL, with address of activity in C /. Muntaner, s / n – 08917 BADALONA (Barcelona, -Spain), or by means of the e-mail mansol@mansol.cat, in order to exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation, cancellation and opposition.
MANSOL PROYECTOS, SL does not assume any responsibility on links towards other sites or web pages that can be included, since there is no type of control, reason why the user accedes under his exclusive responsibility to the content and the conditions of use that govern them. MANSOL PROYECTOS, SL.